Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Today's Mileage: Rest Day
Days til Marathon:

Just wanted to stop in to say Happy New Year to everyone and best wishes for a wonderful 2008!!! For me, 2008 will be busy. . . run a few marathons. . . get married. . . visit Disney World twice. . . finally visit the wine region of California and who knows what else. . . but I wish everyone a happy '08!!!

Love and hugs! ;)

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Today's Mileage: 14.31 Miles
Days until the Marathon:
2 weeks!

I am happy to finally be able to put a positive entry into this blog. . . today's run was a good positive 14.31 miles. We took a walk break after an hour and then again at mile 11. . . we had to walk around mile 12 because my ankle was bothering me, but I walked it off and made it the rest of the way. Although tired at the end, I could squeeze out another 12 miles for the marathon. I only hope I feel this good 2 weeks from today.

It's also exciting to know that 2 weeks from this very moment it will all be over. . . and I'll be sipping Sangria from Spoodles at Disney's Boardwalk Resort. However, it won't be totally over- today's run brought about the conversation of the next marathons I'll run. I hope to run three marathons in 2008- the Disney World Marathon, the Holyoke Marathon, and either the Hartford or Steamtown in October. Yes, I know I haven't tackled my first one, but this is just the beginning of my quest to run a marathon in every state. In 2008 I can run Florida, Massachusetts, and either Pennsylvania or Connecticut. Maybe that will be my new years resolution- to run at least 3 marathons in 3 different states. . . who knows. . . for now I am just happy we had a good run!

Enjoy the snow storm!

Friday, December 28, 2007

My Dad

Today's Mileage: 5.575
Days til the Marathon: 15

Today's run started out rough. I can't seem to kick this stupid cough from the cold I had two weeks ago and my lungs are not enjoying it, especially when I run, but a little cough never stopped me from running. After a couple miles and lots of coughing to move the phlegm in my lungs I started loosening up and getting into a groove. My dad and I began talking about the marathon (which now that I think about it is about the time that I began to loosen up) and since I tell him everything, I began to tell him how nervous I was getting with it just 15 days away. He told me that even he gets nervous before a marathon. We discussed the route, we discussed the fact that I will want to quit and I will run the gamut of emotions (happy, miserable, wanting to quit, happy, mad, etc. . . ) but again reassured me that time doesn't matter. . . all that matters is (as dad refers to it) the "bling."

It is amazing to me that although this will be my father's 14th marathon, he is still able to speak of those 26.2 miles in a positive light despite the few rough marathons he has had. It really makes me believe that on days when I think I can't do it and that 26.2 miles are impossible, my dad believes I can. He always reminds me how lucky I am to be able to do this but he is pretty lucky too. When he had his accident at work in April 2005, it was the scariest moment of my life to get the phone call that he was in the hospital and the fact that his leg could have been severed off is even worse. . . yet, he never talks about how lucky he is. . . and he is just as lucky as I am. Maybe that is why our bond is like no other- because we both know what it is like to have what we are passionate about almost taken from us. For as long as I have been running, my dad has been by my side, and I know I say it a lot, but every run I am reminded of how lucky I am to have him still running by my side because if the driver of that truck on that terrible April morning didn't hear him yelling to stop, who knows if he would be running beside me and who knows that I would have had the strength to go out and run a marathon. Yes, I run for myself first and foremost, but in a tight second, I run for my dad because he understands what it is like to be told you can't do something. . . but to do it anyway.

I am feeling much better about the marathon. Although still nervous, I know I can do it and I will and I don't know that I would want anyone else by my side as I cross that finish line hearing my family cheer us on and eagerly await with hugs, kisses, and congratulations.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tapering. . .

Today's Mileage: Rest Day
Days until the Marathon: 16

Yesterday afternoon I was looking on the Walt Disney World Marathon web page hoping I'd calm my nerves. . . it seems that with each passing day I get more and more nervous about running the full 26 miles. . . it'd be wonderful to know if other people felt the same way before their first marathon. . .

At this point, the training is done. . . the taper has begun and I think that is where this unending sense of nervousness is coming from. . . the fact that I can no longer go out and run 20 miles to make sure I am ready because that would only hurt me. . . Yes, I know I have three 20 mile runs under my belt which is 3 more than many people at the starting line would have done. . . but for me. . . I feel like it wasn't enough. . . and it is now too late to go back. There's a quote "anyone can run 20 miles. . . it is the next 6 that count" and maybe that is the source of my nerves. . . the fact that past the 20 mile mark. . . I don't know what is to come, except for what will more than likely be the hardest 6 miles of my life. . .

I was looking over the course map and although I have run the half marathon in Disney World 3 times and know pretty much the first 13 miles, the uncertainty of the next 13 miles is somewhat reassuring- I don't know what is coming, despite listening to my dad's version of what happened. . . looking back on any race there are parts that are boring, but for me, it is all new. . . and very scary. It will be awesome to say I've done a marathon, especially considering only about 2% of the population will ever run a marathon in their lives, this is just my first. . . and despite this nervousness I feel. . . I know no matter how shitty I feel when I am done. . . that I will begin the search for where I will run my next marathon.

Hopefully I will feel better as the days pass and I become more relaxed. . . at least I hope. . . I wish I could just go out and run whenever I feel like it for reassurance, but I can't. . . many people say the taper is the worst part of training because you can't run. . . and I couldn't agree more.

Until next time. . .

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Why I run. . .

Today's Mileage: 5 Yasso 800's, approximately 4 miles.
Days til Marathon: 17 (although 18 from right now I'll be getting ready to eat a big dinner and have sangria at Spoodles!)

A lot of people ask me why I run. . . and moreover, why I want to run a marathon. . . there are a million reasons why I run and if you told me 5 years ago I'd be running a marathon on January 13, 2008, I'd probably start crying. . . I run because I can. . . because not so long ago, I was told I wouldn't be walking.

I may only be 11 days short of 26 years old, but I've been through a lot. . . and when asked why I want to run marathons, I never get into the details of the true reason I run. If you're reading this, you know me well, so you know my ride on the bad health rollercoaster began in 2002. . . or so. I don't really even consider the fact that I had hip surgery at the age of 19 part of this "rollercoaster." In fact, the ride started shortly thereafter. I was told I wouldn't be walking in a year because of tightening skin on my foot because I was loosing movement in my toes at a rapid pace, but was told there was nothing to stop it. . . and that is when it started. . . a battle that would last until January 13, 2006. My parents found a doctor for me that diagnosed me with scleroderma and that is when the long ride downhill for my health began. . . cortisone treatments that at my worst were 2-3 weeks apart being injected 20+ time each treatment. . . the reality that food was my enemy because of all the medication I was on. . . and the loss of weight that would leave me too weak to get out of bed some mornings, let alone go for a run.

Don't get me wrong, on my good days, I was out there running. . . then would sleep or lay on the couch the rest of the day. Hell, I even ran 3 half marathons before it got real bad. . . because I wasn't going to allow some idiot of a doctor tell me I wasn't going be able to walk or run. . . boy, she was wrong. I guess my motivation was when people started telling me I can't do something because of scleroderma. When in fact, looking back, although it was hell, scleroderma is a big part of why I run.

When I was put in remission on January 13, 2006, I cried like a baby (much like I did when I was told that I wasn't going to be able to walk). After all, it was the moment I had waited for since July 30, 2002 when I was officially diagnosed with scleroderma. My entire life was about to change. January 13 was less then a week after I missed running in my 3rd Walt Disney World Half Marathon because I was too sick for 8 months of the previous year to train for it. And January 13 is also when I knew I would be running again in the 2007 half marathon and I swore I'd be running to raise money for scleroderma.

So ran I did. . . with my dad. I raised money to give to the Scleroderma Foundation and despite the heat on the day of the half, my dad and I did it. . . and it was around mile 8 when I started crying because I think that was when it hit me that what I was doing was what everyone said I wouldn't be able to do. I dedicated the last mile to everyone who still suffered from Scleroderma and for my doctors who made me better. . . and when I crossed the finish line crying like a baby, I turned to my father and said "Next year, we're running 26.2."

And that is where I am now. . . little did I know at the time that the date of the full marathon would fall on my second anniversary of being in remission which makes it that much more emotional and special. Yes, for me, every race is emotional and I fight back tears crossing each and every finish line. . . but this year will be even more emotional than last year simply because of the date.

So to answer the question- I run because I can. . . because despite what I couldn't do just 2 years ago, I can do it now. Because I have the greatest coach and running partner in the world. . . my dad and despite how much I don't want to run some days. . . I get up and go because those miles with my dad are the best miles to run and on days when I don't think I can do it, he knows I can.

Here I am. . .

On a run the other day, I was telling my dad about a friend of me and AJ's that posted a play by play blog of his running of the NYC Marathon in November. I was telling him how amazingly detailed the blog was and that it was described the same way my dad has described marathons. Dad suggested I post a blog of my marathon running. . . so here I am. . . don't really know where to start, but I guess that's ok. Maybe this will make the bad running days I've been having due to ankle pain a bit easier. . . it's hard to be positive when 7.5 miles is hard to run 3 weeks before having to run 26.2. Hopefully the pain will hold off for our 5-6 miler today. . . that would be nice.