Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's Been a While. . .

Well, it's been quite a while since I updated this. . . and figured it is time.

Since the marathon I have done a whole lot less running. Things have gotten busy with wedding stuff and I think I took too much time after the marathon to realize how much I enjoyed my weekends and not having to spend half a day running. . . however this has to change. I had planned on completing two more marathons this year- right now, looks like I'll only complete one. It will be in October, and I will still be in great shape from my training this coming summer, so hopefully I'll improve my time.

In the meantime, I have to start upping my mileage to run the Ironhorse Half Marathon on June 1. I really wanted to get another personal best there, but it is a hilly course and it may be rough to beat my fabulous time at the Hartford Half in October, but I will train hard for the next two months with the hopes of getting 1:50.

So here I go back to training. Running both weekend days and either going to the gym or running after work during the week. Running at night is easier now that the sun sets at 7- so much better for a night run than having to run around the same neighborhood for miles on end. I will begin updating this blog more as my motivation and will also work more on my core, which I had planned on doing after the marathon. I look forward to warmer weather so that I can enjoy the early morning runs in the warm weather again. I miss that.

Well, I guess that is all for now.

Until next time. . . happy running.

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