Monday, July 28, 2008

Count me in!

Today's Mileage: 10.1 hilly miles

Well, I am going to say that I am definitely out of whatever running slump I was in! What factors contributed to that slump? I don't know, but there are numerous possibilities. One could be that I was just plain sad to be back from the greatest trip ever with the greatest husband ever. Another could be that I hadn't run in 3 weeks and I enjoyed every minute of it. And finally, I just had no motivation- like I think I mentioned in my last blog.

So what caused me to get out of the slump? Well, again, there are a ton of answers, but a few stick out. I realized, during my lazy week home after the honeymoon, that I was sitting around all day feeling tired and lazy because I was not physically exerting myself. Then, last weekend, I ran in the Petit Family 5K in Plainville and did really well (16/64 in my division and 300/1298 overall), so maybe a little race like that was the motivation I needed to get my ass in gear. I began going to the gym last week and doing weights to get my arms and core in better shape and although I've only gone a couple times, I think it is already helping my running. I feel stronger and feel like I have more energy during my runs. I don't finish completely drained and my running posture has improved.

I think this is the push I needed and I feel great. My goal is 30 miles this week, but I still have four more days to run, so hopefully I'll beat my goal.

Happy Running!

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