Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Final Notice!

When I checked my e-mail yesterday, I was greeted with the Marathon Newsletter from Disney World that graces my mailbox with its presence every few weeks. . . but yesterdays was the one that I was both dreading and waiting to arrive entitled: "FINAL RACE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE WALT DISNEY WORLD MARATHON." They even put it in all capital letters so it really sticks out in the inbox as being important. A bit overwhelming and exciting and scary all at the same time.

On our run today as we were running the last steps, I asked me dad if I could do it. . . he jokingly said "definitely not." I asked again, this time rewording my question to "do you think I'm ready for this, dad?" He said, "Aim, I KNOW you're ready." It is reassuring to know my dad has so much confidence in me and he also reassures me every day that the stress and anxiety I am feeling is normal. . . I do know I am ready for it. . . and I know I will be thrilled when I am done, but now that my FINAL NOTICE has arrived. . . it is all more real than it has been so far. . . it is going to finally happen. . . after a year of training. . . I gotta say. . . it is about time!


K80K said...

You're going to do awesome! You are definitely much more prepared for the full than I am. I never made it past 16 miles in my training and that was back in November. I am sure your Dad is a wealth of knowledge, but if you have any questions and haven't been to yet it is a great site full of people running on Marathon Weekend. I visit it several times a day to just help me feel like I am doing everything I can to be ready for race day. It seems to help a little with the nerves.

Hillary said...

I am so excited for you for all the reasons you're running! I found your blog through Amy at runnerslounge. Isn't it interesting that we have such a change in motivation when we think about the prospect of not having the option?

Good luck to you...I'll be thinking about you crossing the finish line!