Friday, January 4, 2008

I dedicate my miles. . .

With the marathon a mere week away, I have been doing a lot of reflecting on how I got to where I am and whenever I do this I can't help but think of all the people who have helped me get here. I have also been thinking that if I dedicate each mile of the race to someone, if I am feeling crappy, I can think about that person and not letting them down knowing that I am running "their mile." So, below you will find my mile dedications. I promise to each of you that regardless of how crappy I feel, I will think of how you helped me on my way to the marathon and run my best!

1- My parents- without them I wouldn't be able to start the race!
2- My dad- he's my coach and without him, I wouldn't be able to start.
3- AJ- because he deals with the fact that I don't sleep in on Saturday and Sunday mornings, instead I go out and run.
4- Melissa- because she's the best oldest sister I could ask for!
5- Tracy- because she's the best middle sister I could ask for
6- Grandpa- because when I crossed the finish line of my first race he was there, and he will be in my heart like he always is.
7- Dr. Goldgeier and Karen Landt- my dermatologists in Rochester, without whom I might not be walking
8- My Nazareth Family- because they supported me while I was sick and when I was running my half marathons
9- Anarion- because when I get home from a run and I am sweaty and smelly, he still wants to cuddle on my lap.
10- My principal, Dawn- for supporting me and letting me miss work to run the race.
11- Dr. Millstone- my current dermatologist for keeping me healthy!
12- The Game Night Crew- for understanding that I start falling asleep at 10 because I have to get up early and run the next day.
13- Valsicle gets the half way mark because the messages she leaves on my facebook wall as support and encouragement will help carry me past this point.
14- Dr. Bevilaqua- the doctor that said I wouldn't be walking- look at me now!
15- My Scleroderma friends in Rochester- you know every mile is for you. Your strength and encouragement got me healthy.
16- Dad (again) because I am pretty sure by now I'll be hurting and he'll be so positive and encouraging.
17- Gramma- because the strength you showed while you were sick is the strength I will need to run the next 9.
18- Grandpa- I never knew you- but this one is for you.
19- Jenn and Laura- because I love you girls!
20- Marissa- because your positive outlook on life is the positive outlook I will need to finish the next 6 miles!
21- My students- because regardless of whether they know it or not- they keep me moving and keep me young.
22- To those of you that I have never met that have read and commented on my blog- taking the time to read a complete strangers blog and leave words of inspiration and motivation is enough to keep me going as I close in on the finish line. (Remember I'm new to the blogging world I have no idea random people could read my blog! THANK YOU!)
23- To anyone who ever said I can't- I CAN! So don't tell me I can't.
24- My future in-laws- because your support and encouragement helped get me here.
25- To me- Because if I didn't have the courage to start- I wouldn't have the will to make it here.
26- To All my Friends and Family- I love you all, thank you for everything you have done to support me on my road to the marathon and while I run. I could NEVER make it to mile 26 without your support and encouragement. You are the reason I am so healthy today. I love you all dearly and I cannot thank you enough.

So there they are. . . all my dedications. I have put in all the miles (859.6 to be exact since I started training on January 14, 2007), I am mentally prepared. . . and next Sunday, I will run for each and every one of you because you all deserve it.

I will try to write one more blog before leaving for Florida, if not, I look forward to posting my times.

For those of you that are wondering- my goals are as follows: (dad says we needed to make 3)

The time I REALLY want: 4:20
The time I would be happy with: 4:40
The time I'd be ok with: 4:50

Love and hugs!

1 comment:

valerie said...

i saw my name on here and my eyes welled up with tears. i know you're confident about this, but i wish you had the confidence that i have for you on running this marathon. know that i am thinking about and praying for you this week and especially next sunday!!! love you amsicle!!!